Monthly Archive: June 2012

Ascension & Transmutation of the Human Body 0

Ascension & Transmutation of the Human Body

  PART V The greatest way to release enemy patterning is to move yourself into a space where you believe there are no enemies. Move yourself into a space where there is no question...

Beat a New Drum 0

Beat a New Drum

    What prevents you from having peace in your heart? One way to look at this is that uncertainty prevents you. Here’s the thing. Turmoil in your heart doesn’t change uncertainty one whit....

The Cure 0

The Cure

  All external fighting and discordance are within you. It is always yourself you are fighting with. You have been your own opponent. No matter what the apparent cause of the disagreement, you fight...

The Power Of Your Own Divinity~Andromeda 0

The Power Of Your Own Divinity~Andromeda

We certainly do not wish for anyone to worship us as gods, nor to deify us, nor to even exemplify us, and we can certainly assure you, that Christ himself, would not wish this...

About The Solstice By The Elohim 0

About The Solstice By The Elohim

Dear Co-creators, As you are now being intiated and baptized into your christed self thru the encodings of this Solstice, we would like to point out a few things to be aware of the coming...

Scientists confirm discovery of Earth ‘twin’ 0

Scientists confirm discovery of Earth ‘twin’

Scientists have confirmed the existence of an Earth-like planet orbiting a star similar to the sun 600 light years away. Nasa Kepler-22b is the planet most akin to our own ever discovered and has...



Dear ones, in regards to the arrest of the cabal and your sovereignty it seems you have a dilemma and we have noticed the following statement keeps popping up for you: “…what remains is...

Quanta and Quarks 0

Quanta and Quarks

Everything in the Universe is composed of sub-atomic particles livingness called Quanta (or Quarks). All Quanta has the same stellar content and DNA. These particles are so small they have eluded physicists for centuries.The...