Monthly Archive: June 2013

ADHD a Fictitious Disease 0

ADHD a Fictitious Disease

Did you know that The American Psychiatric Association estimates that 3%-7% of school-aged children have ADHD, while parents report that about 9.5% of children between 9- and 7 years old suffer from the condition? Although these...

Far Away 0

Far Away

love. love. love Navigate:    

Victim Or Vector? 0

Victim Or Vector?

  Beloved masters, there is an orderly sequence to the Cosmic Cycles of Creation which define and emphasize  a great variety of GODLY EXPRESSION; therefore, it is important that you learn to flow and...

Epigenetics 0


  All is light, and nothing nothing is dead. Fascinating article for everyone to learn and encourage those that think otherwise. Epigenetics: Epigenetics is transforming the way we harness our innate self power. My...

The Promise 0

The Promise

  love. love. love. this article Navigate:

Unwind and let go 0

Unwind and let go

  Take a walk and relax or maybe just listen to some good tunes to unwind your weary mind.

Lets Kick Ass 0

Lets Kick Ass

    Let not dilute ourselves people and come to the understanding that if the world is like it is now is because we allow it. We have to wake up to the power...

Enjoy the Ride 0

Enjoy the Ride

  Are you aware that you are alive? Are you aware that you only have this lifetime to show the world WHO you are? Beloveds, BE what you are, and what you are is...