Harmonic Signature Frequency
Dear Ascending Expressions of our SELF,
We speak to you, the grounded expressions of our Galactic Group Mind, because you are remembering your higher expressions of SELF.
The higher light of the Galactic Center is creating a great awakening by activating your 97% Multidimensional DNA. With these DNA patterns finally active, you are remembering that which has been forgotten for millennia and returning to your true, Signature Frequency. Your crystalline-based Lightbody carries this Signature Frequency as your “name.”
Your Signature Frequency is the collective harmonic of your Multidimensional DNA tones. Because this DNA exists dimensionally, as well as biologically, it connects you to the many frequencies of light and sound in which your Multidimensional SELF exists.
All of your expressions are unified into the Signature Frequency that serves as your name. The infinite frequencies of light and sound, which are united in the fifth dimension and beyond, connect you to the Universal Harmonic Signature of your local universe.
We wish to tell you that the Universal Harmonic Signature embraces the Signature Frequency of your life-stream and welcomes you into its great ONESS. It is the breathing mode of the mind that inhales this multidimensional light and sound and integrates it into your DNA with each exhale.
Please remember that this form of breathing is a metaphoric term. However, the multidimensional thinking of Light Language is based on metaphors. Light language causes certain neuron to fire, which creates perceptions of images, tones and metaphors.
You can easily perceive and interact with the dimensions below you, but you must expand your consciousness to match the higher dimensions in order to perceive and interact them. Furthermore, the level of your consciousness determines the frequency of your creations.
If you create something while in third dimensional consciousness, it will exist only in your physical reality. It may also hold some form in the fourth dimension if a great deal of emotion and/or thought has adhered to that creation.
On the other hand, if you create something while in fifth dimensional consciousness, you will perceive it even while you are still holding the majority of your consciousness in your earth vessel, as its resonance will Flow down into your fourth and third dimensional expressions of SELF. Therefore, you will be able to perceive this creation in the third, fourth and fifth dimensions.
The reason for this discrepancy in creation is that third dimensional consciousness limits your thinking to sequential, linear patterns of thought, which are bound by time, space, separation and illusion. On the other hand, multidimensional consciousness allows your thinking to flow in ever expanding circles of reality. You can expand these circles with the power of your breath. As you breathe, allow the power of your imagination to create colors, sounds and images within your mind and heart. For example:
Take a long, slow, deep breath to expand you consciousness up into the fifth dimension with your inhale and down into the second dimension with your exhale…
Now, take another long, deep breath to expand your consciousness up into the sixth dimension with your inhale and down into the first dimension wit your exhale…
Finally, take a long, slow, deep breath to expand your consciousness up into the seventh dimension with your inhale and down into the quantum realities with your exhale…
The multidimensional spectrum of the quantum reality to seventh dimension includes all realities of form. The seventh dimension allows you to share your creation with your Oversoul, whereas the quantum reality allows you to instantly bi-locate into the reality of your creation.
Your Oversoul is the collection of all the expressions of your Multidimensional SELF in ALL of the realities in which you have ever held form. Therefore, you can perceive the dimensional range of your myriad incarnations and powers of creation.
Creating reality while in your multidimensional consciousness allows you to form frequency bridges into New Earth. When you can expand your consciousness into the higher dimensions, you have perceptual access to the molecules of Spirit, which can be blended into a form by the power of your unconditional love. Since the higher frequency realities can easily perceive the lower ones formless beings, who often express themselves as Group Minds, from the eighth dimension and beyond can easily perceive and enjoy your creation.
Beloved Grounded Expressions who are NOW ascending, you have moved into a new octave of your multidimensional thinking. Consequently, there is no longer the illusion of separation between YOU and the Source of Light Language that you are receiving.
The illusion of separation is beginning to blur into the ONE for many of those in earthen bodies. Within the same moment, the truth of the multidimensional expressions of your EVERY state of consciousness, thought, emotion and creation is seeping into your mundane thinking.
We wish now to speak about “Crossover Messages.” Crossover Messages are communications/memories that you can pull forward from your sleeping and/or meditative state into your daily state of consciousness.
In this manner, messages received when your consciousness is free of the limitations of external focus can be more easily accessed in your third/fourth dimensional state of consciousness. We say “third/fourth” because most of you can maintain a fourth-or even fifth-dimensional resonance, unless you are experiencing physical, mental or emotional stress.
When you experience stress in any manner your earth vessel releases adrenalin, which instantly lowers your consciousness to survival mode. This “breaking system” is very important for the protection of your earth vessel as it alerts you to any physical conditions to which you must attend.
One day you will no longer need this warning system because you are matching your resonance with Gaia’s. In this manner, you can assist Her and She assists you with the process of Planetary Ascension.
Realize that with every breath you are creating your reality. Remember that with every breath you are merging with your higher expressions of SELF, and know that every breath is connecting you with your higher expressions of SELF. We, your Galactic Family, are always with you, as well as Gaia. Stay connected with the Quantum Reality through the Seventh Dimensions as much as possible.
We realize that you have to narrow your focus to a smaller spectrum to live, work and maneuver through your remaining third dimensional experiences. Therefore, do not hesitate to call us. You will know that we have answered you by the feeling of our Unconditional Love within your Heart and Mind.
Your Galactic Family