Former Kieran Dowling: Racketeering
For all Files: Indexes: 504912/2015: 45 days old: Years: Fraud: Liable: To Writ: Fine for $5.5 million: FOR:18 U.S.C.& Ch. 96 &1961-1963
FOR all documents City of New York Registrar: Acris: PORFIRIO ANTONIO RAMIREZ: EDY MALDONADO, ET AL.-=Terminated: Null and void ab initio ad infinitum nun pro tunc
FOR Bonds: 072648607: 2013032035-= Paid all debts.
FOR $2.5 million caretaker job since 2006-present:stipulated calculations.
FOR NOTICE: this title is subject be update
Exhibit C
Exhibit D
:Porfirio Antonio Ramirez: Territory: Allodial: Trustor
For: 022652110714: Document: Identification
New York State:Kings County
For Constitutional law: Article 4,-= “The right of the people being secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violate:Article 5,-= No person shall be held answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, nor shall be compel in any criminal case be a witness against himself nor be deprive of life, liberty, and property: Article X,-= The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution nor prohibited by it to the States are reserve to the States respectively or to the people”
:Measurements: Territory: Allodial, -= All rights reserve
Section: 13: block 4136: lot 7: address of 225 Grant Avenue, Brooklyn New York [11208]
ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situated, lying and being in the borough of brooklyn, county of kings, city and state of new york, bounded and described as follows:
[BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of grant avenue, distant 124.88 feet northerly from the corner formed by the intersection of the easterly side of grant avenue with the northerly side of fulton street, as laid down on a certain map entitled, “ Map of lands of the Estate of John Conner, situated in the 26th Ward of the City of brooklyn, surveyed by N. G. Palmer, Dec. 1887”, and filed in the Office of the Register of the County of Kings as Map# 1335, which point of beginning is also distant 132 feet 6 inches northerly side of grant avenue with the northerly side of fulton street as now opened;
RUNNING THENCE easterly at right angles to grant avenue and part of the distance through a party wall, 100 feet;
THENCE northerly parallel with grant avenue, 20 feet;
THENCE westerly at right angles to grant avenue and part of the distance through a party wall, 100 feet to the easterly side of grant avenue;
THENCE southerly along the easterly side of grant avenue, 20 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING ], ET AL,et al, all right reserve.
FOR Title Number CLA 7302 K 2006: Register-= City Registrar: Acris: null and void ab initio ad infinitum nuns pro tunc
/s/ Porfirio Antonio Ramirez_________________
:Non-negotiable autograph, all rights reserved
FOR: presentment send:
1- Adam L Bojack/Shapiro, Dicaro, Barak LLC at address of 175 Mile Crossing Boulevard, Rochester New York, 14624,
2- Kieran M. Dowling at alleged SANDLANDS EYET LLP, 1545 U.S. Highway 206, Suite 304, Bedminster, NJ 07921 Phone: 908- 470-1200
3- Kieran M. Dowling at 3-112 W. 34th Street, 18th Floor, New York, NY 10120
4- Judge Marsha L. Steinhardt and or presiding judge at address of 360 Adams Street, FSSP part- Room 361, 9:30 A.M. Brooklyn New York 11201,
FOR: presentment: publish worldwide web,-= : Court Public Records: Kings County: send all of concern
FACTS: Technically, we shouldn’t have to file in court, its a living soul to living soul interaction. No foreclosed courts needed. All private Courts operating under the guise of public courts already foreclosed… (and we quote)
Absent my knowing, willing and intentional express consent, you are order to Cease and Desist from committing trespass on my domicil of mind and body, my mind and body’s domicil by choice, my private land and my private property, inclusive of any and all direct or indirect contact.
For serve: 10/08/15: 11/15/15
/s/ Porfirio Antonio Ramirez _______________________
(non-negotiable autograph, all rights reserved)
The court is Abated