Quanta and Quarks
Everything in the Universe is composed of sub-atomic particles livingness called Quanta (or Quarks).
All Quanta has the same stellar content and DNA.
These particles are so small they have eluded physicists for centuries.The Quanta are constantly in a state of flux.
Continually changing with chameleon like properties to suit the thought of whom ever is observing them.
Each persons Quantum Field is made of the same material yet difference in context and outcome.
Every single thought changes the quanta. If 10 people were observing these subatomic particles, everyone would see something different because their personal universe is composed of different light vibrations which are birthed from the charge (positive or negative) of each thought. Each thought has a different electronic signature and thus attracts a different outcome.
The world as you know it responds and mirrors you’re every thought, word and action (said and unsaid). The material form in the world is solidified living quanta (such as your car, sofa, money etc). Everything else is unformed quanta, waiting on your instructions.
Imagine all of the air in the world as unformed Quanta (in truth that is what it is). With every breath you take you are inhaling unlimited potential circulating it throughout your body, through your thoughts, and then exhaling it back into the physical world. In the exhale, the manifestation process begins.
What were you thinking, praying, speaking, as you inhaled those chameleon like subatomic Quantum particles? Whatever your thoughts or actions, you have just birthed a new experience for yourself. The quanta have adhered to your thoughts and now are in the process of forming and formulating a situation/experience to mirror that! Think about that! Every breath, every thought, everyday!
In a day there are 86,400 seconds. It takes about 4 seconds for an inhale and exhale (as a planet we are short breathers). On a daily basis you have approximately 21,600 experiences that are being cultivated and birthed by you. Knowing this start inhaling and exhaling in a more purposeful way. A way that exhibits your ability to consciously create your world in accordance with your highest needs, wants, and thoughts.
We are always 100% responsible for all that we experience.
Everything you do defines who and what you are! Every choice that you make shows what direction you are choosing to sail your life. The choices are always multiple and all are to be honored. Do not yell at the Universe when events transpire that you dislike. Change your Quanta, and your world will change.
Each of us resides in our own little universe, where the events of the day rotate around us like our own personal solar system. When people in our life are choosing a path we are not in agreement with, we cannot magically wave our wand over that situation and change it!
We can however hold for them a vision of there highest potential, as we see it in our heart. Holding it lovingly until they awaken and see it for themselves. Life is complicated, complex, and very fiber-optic. We never really see how we touch and affect the people and situations of our world.
It is important that you create consciously whatever brings love, joy and peace into your heart. Then this energy will ripple out endlessly through all life every where. Believe in what you know in your Soul to be possible. Never give up on your dreams.
Hold the vision high enough for the Quanta to see.
Hold the Greatest Vision for yourself and the world!
By Gillian MacBeth Louthan