Monthly Archive: May 2014

Taking Back Our Country 0

Taking Back Our Country

        With the Cliven Bundy story Americans are waking up! Maybe after all we can safe the country from being sold to the Chinese, fucking Dubai, and who ever we stole money from....

15 Deadliest Corporations 0

15 Deadliest Corporations

These corporations, if they were individual human beings, would   be locked up for life. Instead, they continue raking in the big bucks. Human rights abuses, murder, war, eco disasters, and animal exploitation keep...

About Mother’s Day 0

About Mother’s Day

  Mother’s Day has been celebrated since the beginning of time, however this is an interesting article. Enjoy. As Mother’s Day turns 100 this year, it’s known mostly as a time for brunches, gifts,...

Safe Sleep Practices for Baby 0

Safe Sleep Practices for Baby

    For the past two decades experts have been spreading the important message about safe infant sleep — reminding parents and caregivers that the safest place for a baby to sleep is on...

The Declaration of Human Sovereignty 0

The Declaration of Human Sovereignty

Regarding Contact with Extraterrestrial Nations and Forces We, the People of Earth, extend greetings to all races in the Greater Community of the Universe. We acknowledge our common heritage before the Creator of all...