Monthly Archive: December 2018

2019 Would be a Glorious Year: Happy New Year! 0

2019 Would be a Glorious Year: Happy New Year!

        We have come a long way people, as 2018 brought us tremendous changes so big the average person cannot comprehend… yet. With this being said, lets 2019 be the culmination...

Good Knowing: the More you Know 0

Good Knowing: the More you Know

Good Knowing: the More you Know This is a good excerpt reading for some that are not fully aware, for what has been taking place within our country, and the changes that are upon...

Trump, Q, Gingerbread, Stockings and GITMO. PART1. 0

Trump, Q, Gingerbread, Stockings and GITMO. PART1.

Trump, Q, Gingerbread, Stockings and GITMO. PART1. by u/SerialBrain2, published on Reddit, on December 17, 2018 Today, we are solving the Q2591-Q2599 Gingerbread Express riddle. What an amazing puzzle! It is designed for all...

President Donald J. Trump Signed H.R. 390+2152 into Law 0

President Donald J. Trump Signed H.R. 390+2152 into Law

LAW & JUSTICE: Issued on:December 11, 2018 On Tuesday, December 11, 2018, the President signed into law: H.R. 390, the “Iraq and Syria Genocide Relief and Accountability Act of 2018,” which authorizes assistance to entities...