Monthly Archive: March 2019

Proclamation on Second Chance Month, 2019 0

Proclamation on Second Chance Month, 2019

LAW & JUSTICE Issued on: March 29, 2019 Americans have always believed in the power of redemption ‑‑ that those who have fallen can work toward brighter days ahead.  Almost all of the more than...

Alexandra Ocasio Cortez, a Great Actress 0

Alexandra Ocasio Cortez, a Great Actress

  The ultimate of deception. A great actress. The ultimate of disrespect for the American people. This parasite #Alexandraocasiocortez needs be remove from her suppose position, the American people command. Video: this posting...

Tartary Empire – Aether 0

Tartary Empire – Aether

  This is the story of how a visit to the Berlin Zoo led to the discovery that its magical atmosphere is inherited from the Star Fortress that housed the city and how all...