Monthly Archive: February 2024


February 2024 Full Moon Magha

Powerful message from this Full Moon in Magha/Maga Nakshatra on February 2024. According Vedic astrology, this mystical full moon opens a doorway for spirituality. This full moon magnifies the power of prayers, the power...


Mental illness: the Hidden Disease

One of the most challenging and dangerous disease among societies is <Mental illness> It is the hidden disease that no one want talking about. Symptoms of mental illness are being a Narcissist. Narcissists are...


Someone is in Hot Water: Mega Church

I do not know if you people are aware of, but this last Sunday, the day when the strange Super bowl was on, a terrible incident happened at Joel Osteen Mega Church. A woman...


Play to the Beat of your Own Drum: New Moon

This New Moon on February 9-10, 2024 is signaling us a very potent message for us take note of. However, before we continue let us send a message for those that are oppose spreading...


Another Familiar Scenario

This is just the tip of the iceberg not only in New York City but all throughout the country. Nonetheless New York City is the head of the snake. These criminals are not only...