Category: Health and More


America: My I AM America

Today and always, we are sending blissing upon our nation and its people, and all the people across the world. Let the world know that the American people have awaken from the dream state...


Honoring Our Parents

Honoring our parents is very important. Not honoring our parents is not negotiable. We know that there are issues among families but regardless the consequences, remember who gave you your life. Let not love...


It is All About Our Children

It is all about our children matters not what anyone is thinking. It is all about the safety of our future generations that without it, this human race would cease to exist. The future...


Goodbye ISRAEL

It comes to mind reminds the Evangelical naiveté within the United States, that the country and or State of Israel, legal or lawfully does not exists any longer as of October 31st 2023. The...


Eclipse Mantras

Eclipses carries strong energies that can be destructive and constructive on a personal level and worldly, such as geographical level. It is written that during the energy from any eclipse we should meditate a...


The Rules Have Changed

If you think you have no consequences for the evil you do as happened in the past just because nothing has ever happened to you, you are wrong again. Know that it doesn’t work...