Tagged: Mary

The Fifth Initiatory Gateway of Light 0

The Fifth Initiatory Gateway of Light

Choice 1 On May 5th 2012, we enter into the fifth initiatory Gateway of Light through the First Ray of Will and Power, and the Initiation of Revelation Overlighted by Chohan El Morya, Archangels Michael and Faith, and...

A Gift From AA Jophiel 0

A Gift From AA Jophiel

    GD: Hello and welcome to Heavenly Blessings with Linda Dillon and the Council of Love, I’m Graham Dewyea. Our guest tonight is Archangel Jophiel. Hi, Linda.   LD: Hi, Graham. Hi, everybody....

DNA Ascension Mantra 0

DNA Ascension Mantra

  Download: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=K1J4I3D2 ASCENSION MANTRA I invoke and dream awake the full cellular extension of my being;∗ physical, mental, emotional, spiritual in this now.∗ With the full support of God, Goddess, the Ascended Master realm,...

Saint Germain 0

Saint Germain

Day 48-January 10, 2012 Saint Germain As one of our greatest guiding Avatar for the Earth, Saint Germain is powerfully assisting Humanity and especially the mission of Planetary Light Servers as we ascend this...

Mother Mary 0

Mother Mary

Day 44-January 6, 2012 Mother Mary Mother Mary is a beautiful, powerful Ascended Master of great love, wisdom and compassion. She exquisitely exemplified the Motherhood of God in her role as the Mother of...

Christmas Message from our Star Family 0

Christmas Message from our Star Family

A Christmas greeting to all. We come to wish you the joy and love associated with this holiday and also to tell you about the real meaning of Christmas. Christ, which means Light, is...

All About our Cosmic Mother 0

All About our Cosmic Mother

  For this Mothers Day week, we are going to give you a lecture about Our Divine Mother, from one of our Instructors. It will cover two or three sections, so please keep tune,...