America: My I AM America

Today and always, we are sending blissing upon our nation and its people, and all the people across the world.

Let the world know that the American people have awaken from the dream state and thus no infiltrators should rob our land for their own. Not ever again.

Let there be the sword of justice within the hands of all the American people, and know that we are the Light of the world that would light up the planet wide.

And know that our free spirit is the inherit free spirit from our Mighty Father Mother God, and the Christ!

Our hearts are on fire!

Let all evil be gone from within everyone. Let the light triumph!

Our voice is the voice of truth.

Let there be upon our people here within our nation, and all the people from all over the world, Health. Courage. Truth. Wisdom. Prosperity. Protection. Unity. Joy!

And we remember this Poem by Kenneth Goodrich:

The Real student of Light faces the

Light and sends the Light before him

America, America

My blissed I AM Country!

The Light of God that never fails

America! Tis Thee America


The Cup that holds the Christ Light

That will light the planet wide

America, my love for thee

Let her freedom reign without divide.

And so it is

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