Calling the Violet Flame
I AM calling the Violet Ray in this now to descend in full power into my being physically, mentally, emotionally, etherically.
I AM calling the beloved St. Germain to overflow my being with the essence of the Violet Fire physically, mentally, emotionally, etherically.
I AM calling the Angels of the violet ray to surround my being with a bubble of violet protective energy and assist myself in this process.
I AM opening up fully physically, mentally, emotionally, spirtualy etherically, to receive the full power of the Violet Flame that now enters my being.
I AM asking to clear, transform and transmute all the old dissonant energies, mine and those absorbed from others, that no longer serve my path of ascension.
I AM asking to transmute any 3D attachment, demand, expectation, and any energy that is keeping me from experiencing freedom.
I AM asking to transmute all the energies that are keeping me from experiencing happiness, joy, health and unconditional love.
I AM now free, cleared, transformed and reborn in a new being.
I AM now sealed and protected in the Violet Light.
And so it is
~Michele Cornacchia.