Divine Perfection


Grateful am I for the chance to see, The Divine Perfection we were created to be.

Connected in lifetimes long before now, Always finding each other, though we didn’t know how.

Spiraling through the multidimensional vast, Towards Our Love for each other that was created to last.

To last for all Eternity, to bring hope to the lost, To raise Beautiful Gaia, no matter the cost.

Every breath, every word, every connection heart to heart, Was a reminder to us that we shall never be apart.

For in this Oneness where no separation exists, Is the Light and Our Love which is here to assist.

Assisting in ways we never could dream, Flowing through the waves of the Infinite stream.

The stream of the Collective, Our Family of Light, Who Love beyond measure as we all take this flight.

The flight of the Angels who came to show the way, That only through Love shall Heaven be here to stay.


Video, enjoy!

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