Letter to Kieran M. Dowling Esq.


Terminated Index # 504912/2015


With all due diligence it is our privilege to inform you that we received your package on day and date of 02/17/16, three days before a court hearing that already has been null and void for all the obvious reasons and especially that of you being on default.

Your request for the living being porfirio-antonio of the ramirez family to fill out a questionnaire of almost 100 questions of abrogation and infringement is Denied, Denied and Denied, as the property you seek to steal by means of crimes of willful identity theft, racketeering, foreclosure rescued scam, terrorism, money laundering, and barratry, has been paid off and sold. You will need to get in touch with the previous owners as stated on the records.

Furthermore, you have no legal or lawful authority to represent us, and as for a FACT your BAR card has been extinguished since 2013. IN FACT, and officially you are INSTRUCTED to no longer act in any TRUSTEE capacity related to my ESTATES and you are “RELEASED” from any right or obligation to take any action related to mortgages, deeds, titles, and other such records held in my NAME recorded in New York State and or the entire country.

With all due diligence all presentments have been sent back to all perpetrators, and recorded at the public court records, and on the worldwide web, and specially here:




With all due process frivolous Case No:504912/2015 has been Terminated; made NULL & VOID AB INITIO NUNC PRO TUNC AD INFINITUM.  Aligned with common law, protected under the Constitution  FOR  the United States of America, Article 4, Section 3,  Clause 1, governed and insured by public policy UCC 1-103, UCC 1-308, UCC 1-305, UCC 3-505, UCC# 2013032035 thereof.

FACTS: Technically, we shouldn’t have to file in court, its a living soul to living soul interaction. No foreclosed courts needed. All private Courts operating under the guise of public courts already foreclosed… (and we quote), and pursuant to UCC # 2012127914; 2012114776; UCC 2012113593; 2013032035, of universal laws, governed and insured by UCC public law policies of UCC 1-103 and UCC 1-308 thereof. And Pursuant to Canon law of 3228 (i) and Canon 3228(ii) for the records and On the records.

Read: http://www.freeport1953.com/wt1p/the-bar-and-the-deception/

This presentment was send to:

Secretary of Treasury Jacob Joseph Lew at:

Department of the Treasury

1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, D.C. 20220


Kieran M. Dowling at alleged SANDLANDS EYET LLP

1545 U.S. Highway 206, Suite 304

Bedminster, NJ 07921, Phone: 908-470-1200;


Kieran M. Dowling at

3-112 W. 34th Street, 18th Floor

New York, NY 10120. Email, kdowling@se-llp.com.


Judge Marsha L. Steinhardt and or presiding judge

With address of 360 Adams Street, FSSP part-

Room 361, Brooklyn New York 11201,


You were served on 02/17/16

new york state

kings county

Without prejudice

/s/porfirio-antonio: ramirez___________________________________

(non-negotiable autograph, all rights reserved)

Red thumbprint here_________________________________________

All is love and love is all


This presentment was send to Keiran M. Dowling via email on 02/17/16 at time of 10:05 a.m.







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