Mental illness: the Hidden Disease

One of the most challenging and dangerous disease among societies is <Mental illness> It is the hidden disease that no one want talking about.

Symptoms of mental illness are being a Narcissist. Narcissists are heartless mother …ers that care about no one but themselves. These people are unfit for being parents. These people are unfit for being a sister; a brother, and even a friend.

These people enjoy seeing their target suffer. These people enjoy being in control in and for whatever means, or circumstances.

These people are filthy in all the meaning of the word. These are the people that raise their own children to become future drugs users and drugs dealers as well. These are the people that raise their children to be future pedophiles; murderers, alcoholics, and or addicts to prescriptions drugs. These are the children that never were taught moral values at home for their own sense of future direction when adults.

These are the children that end up killing their own family. Or killing someone else’s family.

Other symptoms of mental illness are being pedophiles. Children murderers; people murderers. Religious psychopaths. Political psychopaths. Liars, thieves, tyrants, traitors. Etc., etc.

Be on the alert about what kind of people you associate with. Even check out your work environment very well- discern everyone you work with. Have your heart do the thinking.

Listen to your intuition.

Discern even your own family. Your own closest friends. Have your heart do the thinking.

Listen to your intuition.

Keep in mind that mental illness is a hidden disease. It is everywhere. And your awareness+ and discernment+ and courage, is the only thing that can save you from having a cardiac arrest, and perhaps even sparing your own life.

Be safe. Always pray for protection for you and your family.



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