Source of Everything


In the beginning was God, nothing else was, only God. So all that there is had to come from God, is of God. There was nothing with which God made everything from except Himself. So everything IS the expression of God. God expresses everything from Himself since He is the only source of everything . Everything IS GOD being expressed in different form. 

This is the greatest TRUTH! This is what we need to remember (re-member). We knew this truth and deep inside we KNOW this truth. This is what Jesus meant when He said “you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free”. Sometime back we decided to forget and experience our creation of separation when in truth we can never separate from the only source. All we could do is create the appearance of separation, the illusion of separation. So here we are living our lives not knowing who we are and what we have created. We have been trapped in our own creation of separation thinking there is nothing we can do to change it. Since we are God expressing in the form of a human, we also have the power of creation. You see it’s not really you or me that is creating it is God expressing and experiencing His own creation.

You and I are individualized centers in God Consciousness with all the power of God to express however we choose. Learning through experiencing is the way we have chosen to express. Our quest has been to express, experience and remember (re-member). Know that you know…………..and you will know, it will return, you will remember who you are and why you chose to come here and express and experience your expression.


 Source works through the principle of WORD. God said, thought and acted and it was so. Every thought is a seed that is creative. The universe is mental, everything exist within the mind of God. There is only one mind and that is the mind of God. You and I use the same mind that’s why we can communicate. If you had your mind and I had my mind we couldn’t understand. Every single word we think is powerful! (Jesus taught more about our belief system than anything else. Many times He said “according to your belief”, or “be it unto you even as you have believed”. He fully understood the power of belief. What we believe governs our creation.

Beliefs are ways of thinking, patterns, a thought we keep thinking about. Much of our belief system has been spoon feed to us, we have not spent much time creating our own personal beliefs, based on our own understanding). It’s been said everyone has between 50-60,000 thoughts a day. Each of these thoughts are powerful seeds. When many thoughts are of like kind that kind is created. Once we understand the powerful concept of Word we will guard our words more closely. Now we can begin to see why things happen the way they do and we can stop wondering why. We know why!

All of these 50-60,000 thoughts we have had have attracted together and created. Don Miguel Ruiz in the Four Agreements talks about “the impeccability of our word”. Once 51% of our thoughts are of a positive nature, the creation will be positive but the opposite is also true. We have been so long in the illusion that it is a challenge to guard our thoughts properly. 50-60,000 thoughts are a lot to keep track of. The Abraham-Hicks teachings talk about our Emotional Guidance System. Our emotions can show us how we are thinking at each moment. The guidance system works like this. You know when you are having a great day and everything is going great, you are “feeling” great. When you “Feel” bad you know something is up, you are “feeling” bad…it has been a thought that created how you feel.

It’s been said our emotions were created to show us how we are doing, directing us and if we listen to them we can make corrections along the way. We can think better thoughts and change how we “feel”. So we have extra help to fine tune our thinking, our creating. With practice we can design our lives more to our liking.


Thoughts go into the mind, the universe, the energy and as more like thoughts gather together those thoughts materialize. In our world everyone’s thoughts gather together and we see its manifestation. Only you can create your individual world, but you can be influenced by others and think their thoughts and create based on those thoughts. (accepting others beliefs). There are many in this world who know these principles and use them to manipulate others, to create their desire to control others and use power over them.

Remember NO ONE can invade your space without your permission.

It seems like they can but they can not…some how or way we give them permission through thoughts or actions. Some would use fear (false evidence appearing real) as a means of control. We just need to Re-member who we are and we can then “free” ourselves from our own false creation.

In the creation process thoughts go into the energy and the energy uses the Law of Attraction to add more thoughts to those thoughts and that idea begins to form, (thought form). Energy uses information to create form. The mind of God is consciousness and energy. Every thought is like a snow flake, individual and unique, no two alike. Each thought has its own individual vibration. For example, love vibrates differently then fear and we can physiologically “feel” the difference.

As we think more loving thoughts, loving situations are formed. As we think more fear based thoughts, more fear based situations appear. We are Energy being expressed in form. It’s much like the movie Avatar. We are individualized centers in God Consciousness connected to five sensors in the body (sight, smell, taste, touch hearing). We give information to the body and arms move, breathing takes place and thousands of other functions take place. We are not the body because the body is just a bunch of vibrating atoms. We are the Consciousness directing the atoms that form the body. Remember all there is, is God, Consciousness and Energy. There really are no solids, they appear as solids because of the sensors we are connected to…but there is no solid! 

 Everything is energy being expressed through vibration. When we look at something the vibration of the light goes into the eyes and sends an electric signal to the brain. The brain interprets in a way we can understand, it appears as a solid. Now something else is also happening. As we are looking at something, in the back of our minds we are also Aware that we are in the act of looking. There is the awareness and the act of looking, both are happening at the same time. If we can deeply understand that we are consciousness having a physical experience then we can begin to direct our creations more to our liking and not “feel” that we are victims.

 Here’s how I see the universe, creation. The universe is full so it does not collapse. There is no empty space. Again it appears empty when we look at it but it can not be or it would collapse. Energy with no form is resting, silent, but has the potential to form into anything based on the information given to it. It’s much like a stem cell. Dr. Bruce Lipton a cellular biologist since the 60’s found that identical stem cells would form differently based on the environment it was given. One cell would form lung tissue and another a toe based on the environment (information) it was given. Identical cells with two different outcomes.  Each cell has the possibility to become anything…pure potentiality as Dr. Depok Chopra says.

Another example is creating a new life. It starts with a single cell and divides, one becomes two, two become four, four become eight and it keeps multiplying. The same identical cell has the potential to become every organ in the body. Remember in the creation process everything starts with one cell. It is the same cell duplicating itself yet in turns into all sorts of different organs in the finished body. (It is interesting that once the cell growth has reached 512 cells it forms the basis of the heart. The heart is the first organ to grow. You might find this interesting that the next organ to form is the tongue after the heart). Remember that each cell is identical and has the potential to become what ever information it is given. This is how all creation works. Each cell of God, so to speak, has the potential to form anything based on the information given to it. Creation is pure possibility. Everything and anything is possible since it is ALL mental.

 When our arm moves we would say the arm is moving through the space but it is not. What is actually happening is, since the universe is full, the essence of the arm fills the space in the next spot. It could be like; what appears as all space is tiny balls of pure energy filling the space. As the arm signals to move, the next tiny ball of energy fills with the essence of the arm. Remember all there is, is energy no solids. Each tiny ball of energy transforms into the information of the arm and it appears to move through space. Since the universe is full there is no space only the transformation of energy.


When we look at this world and everything in it, we know everything is made of vibrating energy in the form of atoms. Each atom receives information and vibrates at a particular frequency forming that information. Each atom has subatomic parts, the proton, neutron and electron. The neutron and proton form the center and the electron orbits the center. It appears that the electron spins around the nucleus but again it does not. The essence of the electron fills the next space then the next and the next etc. Just like the tiny balls of energy being filled as the arm moves. To give us perspective of size, if the nucleus was the size of a basket ball, the electron would be stretched out 25 miles in its orbit. We would say the proton, neutron and electron are part of the mass we believe to be solid the part we see. However they are photonic, light, vibrating energy and not solids. When we look at the total space that the atom occupies, the mass, the part we see, represents only 1/10th of 1% of the overall 25 mile orbit of the electron. That means we only see 1/10th of 1% of everything we look at. 99.99% we do not see. There is a lot of information and action taking place in the 99.99% that we never see.

We don’t have to understand all the creation processes because it is already designed to work. The principle of Word knows its function and Source Energy knows its. All we need to know is that our every thought (consciously or unconsciously) is acted upon and the Law of Attraction builds upon all thoughts. Our Emotional Guidance System helps us to be aware of what thoughts we are thinking, (by how we feel) so we can correct as needed. We are here to relearn the process of creating and to realize who we are…Remember, all there is, is God and Him expressing Himself as you and me and everything else. All there is proceeded from God because God is the only Source of All. God creates by becoming the thing created.

Here is what our TRUE nature is. As God Beings expressing, we are LIFE, LOVE, INTELLIGENCE, WISDOM, CREATIVITY, BEAUTY, PEACE AND JOY.  We are full of LIFE, able to give and receive LIFE. LIFE expresses in the form of LOVE. In LOVE, we are all KNOWING, INTELLIGENCE which leads to WISDOM. We always KNOW, there is nothing outside our understanding, because we are WISDOM.  We are continually CREATING through the principle of Word. The creation process works perfect. This leads to BEAUTY, creating BEAUTY leads to PEACE. PEACE IS OUR ESSENCE and because we are PEACE there is ONLY JOY!  

If our creation is not to our liking, we can always change it! 

We are POWERFUL CO-CREATORS WITH GOD, creating within the Mind of God (whether conscious of it or not). At anytime we can change, re-member with who we really are. The world that we see with our sensors is only temporary, changing moment by moment and all happening within the Mind of God. So, there is no reason to get all excited about what we have created, for it is only for a moment. Time as we know it, is only for us to experience our creations now. There is no need to worry or be ashamed or sorry because everything is Mental and designed in LOVE for us to learn and experience the art of CREATION.

We are Centers in God Consciousness. It was our Idea to create this way of experiencing our own creation, by becoming the thing created. We have learned what we came to learn. NOW let us consciously co-create, on purpose, LIFE, LOVE, INTELLIGENCE, WISDOM, BEAUTY, PEACE AND JOY! Our TRUE nature. 


~ Dana Salisbury

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