Tagged: Australia

News You Will Not Learn From Mass Media 0

News You Will Not Learn From Mass Media

  Master S.Germain My dear ones. Today’s message contains more news than the media can deliver. We want you to be well informed. First, cesium is in the food being grown on the west...

The New Earth Energy~ by Archangel Michael 0

The New Earth Energy~ by Archangel Michael

Beloved Family of Light, at the end of this year of 2011 and the beginning of the momentous year of 2012, we are so overjoyed to welcome you to the Pathway of Gold! This...

What is Before you by Lord Enoch 0

What is Before you by Lord Enoch

I, Lord Enoch come to speak with you of your current times, 11-11-11 and what is before you. You are aware there has always been higher knowledge on the planet. At times it has...

All About Evolution And Devolution 15

All About Evolution And Devolution

Presently, many philosophical doctrines based on the dogma of evolution are being taught in the Eastern as well as in the Western parts of the world. Evolution and devolution are mechanical forces that are...