February 2024 Full Moon Magha
Powerful message from this Full Moon in Magha/Maga Nakshatra on February 2024.
According Vedic astrology, this mystical full moon opens a doorway for spirituality. This full moon magnifies the power of prayers, the power of affirmations, and the power for doing good deeds.
This full moon is happening at the star Magha. Magha is a brilliant star that is located in the heart of the constellation Lioni or Leo. This star is known for its big-heartedness. This star is known for its loyalty. This star is known for its powerful esoteric powers. Magha means Mighty Or Magnificent. Magha is the star of Power. Magha gender is female. Its element is water. Its bird is the male eagle. Magha is fierce and aggressive.
This star is connected to leadership. Connected to ancestral leadership. According Vedic astrology, the deities for this star are the collective ancestral spirits call Pitris, that are the protectors for all life on planet earth. The Pitris are our guardians angels. The Pitris are the ancestors of the human race. And the symbol for this star is a royal seat or a palanquin, or a Royal Throne where only queens or kings sits. Which comes to heart, that the symbol for this star tells us who is in control of planet earth!
Further, the ruling planet for Magha is the invisible planet, Ketu, that body is that of a human being but without a head. However, he does have a heart! This is very powerful because this tells us that ultimately we all should think with our heart’s mind that is spiritual, and not with our physical mind that is mechanical and clingy. It is written that we are slave to the physical mind. The mind is a beautiful servant but a dangerous master.
Ketu is that celestial Being that is always waiting for us to jump to another step towards our spiritual empowerment. He is always anxious for uniting us to Team Christ’s; to Christ consciousness. More about this later!
Anyways, from an astrological point, This is a time for detoxification. Like for example, spend time in nature; get your daily dose of sunshine. Exercise, and pay attention to the most important thing, that is your nutrition. Don’t sweat it. Take it easy. It is a time to be introspective. From this date forward and the entire month of March, it not a good time for traveling, get married, or making career changes, due the fact that many planets are in conjunctions and this could bring some difficulties. When making important decisions, it is good checking the planets positions for clarity,+ and blissing from the planets. For example, it is not a good idea getting married when Venus is in conjunction with Mars. This could bring conflicts; frictions. Or worse, making business decisions when Saturn is combust! And even worse when Mercury is retrograde. Watch what you say; watch your words. The energies right now are that of exhaustion,+ and confusion. Discerning the values of things.. overworked. With all these going on, it is better to just BE.
We ask from our ancestral blissing. And we ask for protection for everyone, all ways always.
Magha Full Moon Affirmation:
With our ancestors blissing, and with the energies from this Full Moon on February 24th, 2024, I ask for clarity for self- expression, self- authenticity, and excellence performance that allow to shine my passion, confidence, and personal leadership along with health, prosperity, family, country, and protection, all ways, always.
And so it is. Thank you. Amen.
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