Certificate of Dishonor for Kieran M Dowling




It is our distinctive privilege to honor former Kieran M Dowling, Esquire: Sandelands Eyet LLP in New Jersey:  Nationstar Mortgage LLC.~ with our most Distinguish Certificate of Dishonor by our Public Servants that diligently work with humanity to overcome the crimes that pirates like Kieran M Dowling,-= NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC.-= agents,-= terrorists are committing daily to our people.

Their achievements are those of committing commercial war crimes of violation of public peace, violation of public trust,  Racketeering, human trafficking, -= FOR:18 U.S.C.& Ch. 96 &1961-1963. For Title -~18: C.-S.-C.-S.-~242 For the[De] privation of the persons-contract-rights with the color-fiction-communications: Title: -~18: C.-S.-C.-S.-~1001 by the judge or attorney with the writing-confessions by their papers.~= guilty before the fact.

Certificate of Dishonor publish on date: 03/16/16


We add this document to Certificate of Dishonor on date of 05:12:17.-=This document is being file at Supreme Court Records: Queens County :New York:  http://www.freeport1953.com/wt1p/certificate-of-dishonor-for-kieran-m-dowling/: scribd worldwide:Below.~ FOR http://www.freeport1953.com/wt1p/for-those-that-have-an-eye-to-see-and-an-ear-to-hear/

DULY sworn as true and correct, executed on this 07 day of May, 2017 with all rights reserve including the rights to make final determination of all definitions and intent stated herein, without prejudice: Porfirio Antonio Ramirez, et al: all rights reserve Trustor :                  /S/ Porfirio Antonio Ramirez_________________________  

: Authorized autograph-=all right reserve 


:Porfirio Antonio Ramirez, et al: No Contract No Claim by Lucy Maysonet

: http://www.freeport1953.com/wt1p/public-anouncement-2/

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