Hands off my food
We are so overwhelmed with so much deceiving food in the supermarket shelves, and through the television channels with their aggressive campaign of advertising junk food such as all kinds of cereal, unhealthy snacks, and countless beverages that are all loaded with sugar and dangerous additives, just to name a few! As well as countless over the counter medications, including the prescribed ones by the so-called doctors whose only aim is to fill their stocks portfolios along with the Food and Drug Administration, and “the mother of technological engineering or genetic engineering food” by Monsanto Empire and its associates.
Modified food products does not contain the organic nutrients that is vital to sustain our body’s needs. They do not contain the vital sources needed by our body to do its work, to keep us alive. I do not understand how a country like ours that always seems to know it all can grant licenses to chemical companies like Monsanto and its paranoia associates so they can get away with such crimes against nature. Monsanto owns ninety percent of all the seeds in the world. Seeds are the source of life; without seeds we cannot produce our food. Monsanto is modifying all of our seeds for their own vicious empire without the least bit of concern for the human race health, and the environment.
This crime is spread all over the world to the humble farmers. In some countries throughout Europe and South America, Monsanto cannot speak out because the people are aware of their intentions. How scary is that? Scientists are playing Nature, ironic, isn’t it? No wonder we are all getting sick with all kinds of diseases such as organs failure, as well as raging mad due to the disorderly food that we are ingesting. The fact is that we are not aware of what we are eating today, due to intrusion of chemicals companies and scientists altering the food, water, and environment that are all vital for us to survive.
So much damage has already been done which we will never overcome. The entire Earth is agonizing from all the abuse we all caused. Not even the deepest of our oceans is safe since the oceans floors are the fields used by our “world powers to test their nuclear arms.” I supposed they think that there are no life beneath the ocean; I supposed they think that nuclear waste will disappear somewhere in the air or something. There it is not a safe place on earth for nuclear waste!
All the oceans species are contaminated, in fact some of them even nourish themselves with nuclear waste! Making them monstrous creatures that some day, maybe soon will come ashore our coasts due to the heat beneath the ocean that is produced by water coming together with the magma of interior earth. Hopefully these creatures will not scare us all. I supposed that our scientists did not think as well that 90% of our oxygen supply for us to breathe comes from the ocean, from plankton.
It is all about the money, isn’t it!
The title “genetic engineering” sounds so advanced, doesn’t it? Why not just fool the entire world with it! Why not advertise and deceive everyone, why not use scare tactics to make the world believe of our intentions! Why not make our sales people make the most of the commissions even if it is a “Not good for anyone product,” Why not lobby against the dumb government that turns a blind eye to our plight, not to mention the damage to Nature. Why not, why not? This is how the minds of those paranoid beings that surround Monsanto think. I don’t have enough pity in me to call these people any other name but this. We have to STOP them now!
And then we complained later on about all the miseries in our lives when all along we fired the gun right into our own foot! People we cannot fool Nature, because if we do she’ll turn on us with all her might. Mother nature gave us everything perfect. She did not leave us a little note on each corner of the world saying that we have to finish her work. The land, food, electricity, etc., none of these belong to a particular group, it belongs to everyone, and surprising as it may sound, it should even be free to everyone.
The Divas of Nature cry to the degeneration we’ve done to ourselves, but more sadly what the United States have done with its cunning capitalism and their slogan of freedom, which means nothing more than “freedom of stupid, we want you to think and eat whatever we think you should think and eat.”
If an apple, such as gets modified, then the molecules in our body (once we eat it) do not recognize what the nutrient is meant for, do you know why? Because what it is within now are chattered atoms that now instead of working for a good cause, are now working against it! We cannot break intelligence, knowledge from itself. If we do, then we create chaos, when there is chaos then we have conflicts, and then conflicts brings disasters.
These ignoramus have to realize that the splitting of atoms is a terrible crime, that a modified or deformed life will bring terrible consequences to us all including both superior and inferior worlds. When an atom is split to work in a harmful way, it brings terrible consequences, terrible Karma to all humanity, because it releases all kinds of negative forces from the infernal worlds, which lead to produce physical radioactivity. An atom is not only physical but it is also multidimensional, it has matter, energy, and consciousness, this means that its forces are not only damaging our Earth but also our entire solar system, as well as our galaxy, the Milky Way and its worlds.
It is terribly sad the way that we degenerated ourselves; the way the population has to suffer because of some evil Lords.
The only choice we have is to educate ourselves and try our best to eat the best we can, and by all means try to stop the canning practices of our foods by Monsanto and many others. We have to have congress pass a law to label all products that is genetically engineered, or better yet ban them altogether. We have to start searching for seeds that are the “real thing” so we can start planting our own vegetable garden if we can, or pay tons of money to buy organics.
Congress claims that we need food to feed the world. My question is, what will they do about changes of our food? We believe they need to open their eyes and realized that they cannot confuse running out of land because some gold digger from, God only knows where, paid the humble farmer millions for his land so they can build “gated communities” to make money. As oppose to protect the farmer and his land so they can cultivate our food. These are two different things! Congress needs to stop being manipulated by these vicious Lords and start opening theirs eyes to what is real for the good of everyone and the world.
And then there it is our attitude toward our health and our never-ending vicious lifestyle.
We ought to be strong and stop thinking that whatever sickness we have is God’s will, because that is not the case. We have to stop being masochistic to ourselves and take control of our eating habits, and our lives in a way that is preventive and adjust. Just because you are healthy now does not mean that you need to go and eat all kinds of sugar, and refined carbohydrates that are highly addictive, bringing the result of diabetes, which causes diseases of the kidneys, heart, nerves damage, blindness, circulatory disorders, etc. You do not want be taking a little pill every day for each of these conditions. They will make you feel worse, causing you nausea, pain everywhere, and discomfort. We have to become our own physician if we want to stay healthy, as doctors have no other choice but to give you what they have, and those are: little pills that will cause temporarily relief (not counting the damage that will cause to other parts of your body), surgical knives, and a bank account for them to keep as fat as possible, that’s all.
Try to live within your means. If you know that you cannot afford that new car, then why are you trying to buy a new car? Why are you buying all those new clothes when you still have clothes that you never used hanging in the closet? Arrange your wardrobe often so you can see what’s worth keeping and what’s worth giving to someone else to use. If you know that you only make $300 a week, why then are you spending $500 a week on extra stuffs that is not really a priority, such as, “café au lait, sans sucre” everyday on your way to work! Instead buy a jar of coffee and make the stuff yourself. Or the hair dresser every week, plus the lunch, etc., etc. Try to cut your lifestyle “TO LESS” so you can have “LESS” of a headache and pressure within yourself, that way you will not end up with a major ulcer. Remember, less means more. What we mean by this is “do not rush yourself to have more than what you cannot afford” it’s that simple.
We are an addictive society. Whenever bored or feel emotional about something we tend to indulge ourselves with food, drugs, alcohol, sex, and cigarettes…all these are good for feeling good for a while but the result is you become addicted to them. In the long run you are going to come up with more health issues such as: knee issues, arthritis, depression, and lungs disease. Instead of reaching for a cigarette get out of the house and take a walk in the park or around the block, or reach for a pen and write a paragraph about, lets say a dream that you had last night, or a friend that you love.
One great exercise to learn is to command your body to “stop” your addiction. Simply say to your body, “body quit smoking now, and please obey me!” The body is simply a mental illusion, so we can learn how to work along with our body to our own advantage. This is magical, practice this with all other addictions that you may have or any pain or discomforts in your body, but educate yourself with good habits for the rest of your life. Find help if you need it, such as check out an acupuncture doctor, an herbalist. How about practicing yoga, this alone is very powerful.
Instead of us suppressing our feelings, emotions, we should work around them, what I mean by this is work around your body by releasing the vital hormone to get you feeling good again and this is only possible with movement. That is why Yoga, which relaxes the body is so helpful, as well as walking, swimming. How about turning on the radio and start dancing to some good music! Meringues will do the job, but watch it, you might become addicted to dancing meringues. Also learn to love your body, remember that our body is our temple, give thanks to your body everyday for all that it does for you! Be kind to yourself be kind to your body.
Visit Greenpeace international and read all about “genetic engineering” it will shock you to know the truth of what the Monsanto empire is doing. Write to your local congressman and sign a petition (that you will find right on the Greenpeace international website) to pass a law to label all the products that are genetically engineered, and please read labels when buying anything to eat.
These are the list of all the products that you should stay away from for the moment:
Corn, and any kind of corn products including corn syrup, corn oil…
Canola oil
Any soy bean or any soy bean product.
Milk with hormone added, please pay a bit more and buy organic milk only.
Bread, you got to shop around, they are all deceiving! Eat a potato instead or buy kosher matzoh, once again, eat only a little piece.
And tangerine oranges.
Read related articles such as, about the body, and all about the elements right on this blog.
We have to live each day as if it is the last one on this earth. What we mean by this is to be fully conscious of our actions, thinking, and feelings, as well as showing gratitude, and do less splurging! Our earth is going through some hard time as we speak so we have to slow down, we have to stop worrying about tomorrow when we haven’t passed today yet. We have to stop one sense for all the abuse by the people who suppose be watching for the safety of this humble, humanity. We have to speak up for others and ourselves as well.
I will leave you with this quote: It is a crime to talk when we need be silent, as it is a crime be silent when we need to talk.
Peace to all humanity
http://www.freeport1953.com/hands-off-my-food/ = this posting