Not a Coincidence Date and Day: The Purple Wave and Universal Message


2- 22- 2022= on this Date and Day the universe is sending us a message that may caught our attention due specifically to the sequences of the same digits, and as well the specific day of the week that is a Tuesday. Tuesday as we all know, is the second day of the week.= mirror.

According to Gematria, the digits 222222= 3. The number three, which by the way is a living entity and just as all numbers are, is represented or indicative of a triangle. The triangle says that it brings balance to the opposite numbers one and two. By having balance, we have equilibrium, strength,+ and patterns; and if there are patterns, new seeds would sprout. The number three calls upon unity, and a chain of continuity of fruitfulness= resurrection; new life, gift, recompense, rewards, nourish, maturity.

The word Tuesday comes to the numerical value of five. Five says he is powerful, alert, anointed, graceful; sovereign. Five means air, spirit, feminine; the breath.

Now, if we were to add the number five and number three, we come to the numerical value of Eight. Number eight means balance. Balance within ALL realms. Number eight says that what no longer serve the creation, it must be destroy. Number eight starts a new creation; something new for the entire universe take notice of. An example of this would be a brand new baby. A new government/ governance; a new nation, a new kingdom, a new earth.

On one side, we all know that Pisces represents LIFE/ the END of life and the beginning of life. Pisces is life itself. So, since we are in the month of Pisces= the end of an astrological year, it is obvious that the universe is telling us that a brand new astrological New Year is on the work, and it would be ready to go in Spring- All is new= the creation renewed itself for all to enjoy! However, considering this centennial, and specifically the messages from the digits above, we can discern that just as a brand new astrological year is ahead of us, something just as grandiose is also manifesting.

We all can feel it! And we all welcome it. Fear Not, we are safe.

Welcome a New Earth. New governance worldwide. Freedom. Prosperity. Wealth. Good health. Unity. Courage. Responsibility. Welcome the purple wave,= the wave that carries the frequency of love and transformation For all the creation now and forever.

Thank you universe for all the awareness ahead. heart. heart. heart.

So be it!

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