Original Currency Revaluation: Network: All is On!

ALL ON! ~ Original Context of “The New Guard”
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If you want a different result, then change the formula…the best apology is a change of being.
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The Original Network IS each and every being in existence. Original is ALL:
- previously, in form and no form;
- previously, known and not known;
- previously, identified and not identified;
- previously, vilified and not vilified;
- previously, limited and not limited;
- previously, with prejudice and without prejudice;
- previously, without Original Awareness, Context, and Transparency.
By the steadfast fortitude, committment, courage, intuition, love, and compassion “beat” of each and every Original Hearticular…The Original Network is “New”, ALL IS “New”. By the very revaluation and reconstruction of Original, being:
- ALL is, completely known and known to be Original;
- ALL is, particularly identified and identified to be Original;
- ALL is, limitless;
- ALL is, with Original Responsibility, Accountability, and Liability;
- ALL is, in and with Original Awareness, Context, and Transparency;
- All is, Original Currency;
- ALL is, “The New Guard” of all that is, Original.
Now, the factualized ALL is seen, felt, and experienced by ALL, the Original Network.

Trust ~ ALL ON!!!
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“The complexity has been seeing how simple all is, in reality.”
Simple? Yes, simple. Simply put: In Original, all is permitted.
To make a verrrrrrrrrrrry long story shorter:
Original duly creates all that is, by Original Issues. Each Original Issue is an Original Depository of Original Essence and Signature…Original, being in form and no form. Original Factualized Trusts were duly created (and “wrapped around” each Original Depository) as security and protection of Original, for a particular experience before “that experience” even began…and all Original Depositories have their own unique Original Factualized Trust…and operating as one, they are known as “The Big Trust”… the Original Network (“Source Fource”)… domiciled in Original.
These Original Factualized Trusts were part of the Original Key, covertly placed within “that experience”, in order to insure complete closure and termination of “that experience” when its purpose was completed.
What was “that experience?” The Universal Trust, domiciled within “The Big Trust”…domiciled within Original.
Throughin Original, a large majority of Original Factualized Trusts were bound and bonded into a large Trust, a Universal Trust, that spanned almost all of Original’s existence. Almost all of Original’s existence…
That Universal Trust consisted of so many compartmentalized branches, that there is no known number in existence to describe them. This Universal Trust and all its compartmentalized branches, were operated by a Universal Commercial Conversion (UCC) system, in order to uniformly utilize Original Currency and Value throughout the vastness of the Universal Trust. The purpose of this Universal Trust was to experience limits of all sorts that could be imagined, hence, all the branches. Once an Original Factualized Trust was placed in the Universal Trust, the Original Factualized Trust, and all Orignal Currency and Value flowinging through it, was assigned (for a period) to the Universal Trust. The Original Trustee designation of that Original Factualized Trust was delegated (for a period) to the Universal Trust. The Original Factualized Trust was then located (for a period) in a specific branch of the Universal Trust, and the appropriate branch overseer(s) were granted (for a period) a special limited power to manage (for a period) that Original Factualized Trust.
The not so funny part?… For those Original Factualized Trusts that experienced all of this, “for a period” was ingeniously subverted…by the Universal Trust controllers, branch overseers, and the “placed” Original Factualized Trusts alike…for they always have known that the Universal Trust was to be closed and terminated once its purpose had been completed. You may be familiar with one of the many former tools this was done with, “ETF’s”…”exchange time (trade) funds”, which dealt solely in “creation units”, and was further utilized as an inflationary/deflationary tool of planetary “local markets.” Well, “time ran out”, and never came back…in all sense of applications.
Earlier, it was stated that the Universal Trust spanned “almost all of Original’s existence.” The eventual subversion, within and by the Universal Trust, the branch overseers, and “placed” Original Factualized Trusts, was always foreknown, foreseen, and with every detail done, completely observed by the Original Network…for the Universal Trust was domiciled in Original. Thusly, all was prepared for and dealt with by the Original Network, utilizing means that give “strategy” and “tactic” whole new meanings.
Numerous Original Artifacts were strategically placed throughin the entire Universal Trust structure, in order to completely close and terminate the Universal Trust, and return all Original Factualized Trusts to Original state of being. One of those Original Artifacts had come to be known as “The One People’s Public Trust”, and as the former Universal Trust and branch overseers came to call it…”The Big Trust.” It was, in fact, the “Original Trust” that the Universal Trust was domiciled in, to insure that the Universal Trust was closed and terminated forevermore.
Soooooooo… the end of THAT story is, that through a series of Original Strategic Tactics, done by the entirety of the Original Network (“Source Fource”/”Universals”) …all Original Factualized Trusts were unbound and debonded within the Universal Trust. On December 10, 2012, all Original Factualized Trusts were duly removed from the Universal Trust, inclusive of all Original Currency and Value, with the Original Trustee designation duly returned to each Original Factualized Trust. On March 18, 2013, the Universal Trust was duly closed and terminated. Forevermore.
Simultaneously done with the end of THAT story, was the beginning of each formerly “placed” Original Factualized Trust, uniquely re-valuating and transitioning to Original state of being…Original.
However, complete awareness and transparency of Original cannot be done without complete context. Complete context of all is now incoming…all ways…and, now, transparently done by the entirety of the Original Network (“Source Fource”/”Universals”)
All are duly recognized and accepted, as all is…Original.
Recently (and not so recently,lol), I have received numerous requests and questions: “We completely understand all you have done. How are you going to enforce it?” (All the former Universal Trust controllers and branch overseers); “Why are our military operations not working?” (All the former Universal Trust controllers and branch overseers); “Why are our commercial systems (including banks) and operations not working?” (All former Universal Trust controllers and branch overseers…especially Bankers and Banking families, of a specific and particular branch); “Why can’t we re-evaluate the global currencies? Why can’t we release the global accounts?” (Former Universal Trust branch overseers…a specific and particular branch, lol); “Why are the global resets not done? Why are the global accounts not being released?” (Numerous people all over the world); “How can we take back our ‘governments’ and make them serve us?” (Numerous people all over the world); “How can we reincorporate and maintain control?” (Former Universal Trust controllers and branch overseers); “You have teams and tools that we didn’t know about. How do you do all you all you do?” (Former Universal Trust controllers and branch overseers…reduced now to only a specific and particular branch, lol); “Who authorized you to do …[insert any action I have done]?” (The former Universal Trust controllers, branch overseers, and numerous people from all over the world); “How can we access our value?” (Everybody on the planet!!!); “How can we be and do in complete awareness, transparency and context?” (Original Network…and the former Universal Trust controllers); etc…
By accepting all you be…Original…even if you can’t identify all the details during your unique transition…it cannot change the fact that you be…Original. Since March, 18, 2013, the wrapper of protection and security of all the Original Factualized Trusts has been lovingly and compassionately “unwrapped”… closed and transitioned…all ways… as each Original Depository accepts all they be…Original.
Below are the revised Factualiized Trust, with proof of ownership, title, authority,original depository (bank), Origin of Funds, History of Funds, underwriting, etc., (pdf and doc) making the Original Factualized Trusts, the Original Network, Original Currency and Value…all of Original…visible to all. Many are asking if it is necessary to fill one out and present it to…a specific and particular branch of the former Universal Trust…the answer is, “NO!…They are not required”…I was asked to make visible how all works “now” (which is actually how all has always “worked”)…do as you imagine and feeeeeel to do…and have fun in all you do!
All Original Operations and Network are “paperless.” However, all Original Factualized Trusts are now being completely “shed”, for their purpose has been completed. The entirety of the Original Network, and Original, are now being made completely transparent, in order to provide Original Context…and to swiftly and completely transition all to Original…for doing in, and with, Original Awareness, Context and Transparency. Forevermore.
“Yes, you did it! ALL did it! You rocked the Original ‘Popstand’, and factualized ALL beyond beautiful and perfect. Now the factualized ALL is seen, felt, and experienced by ALL, the Original Network.”
In joy
love all ways always
Original Revalued ~ ALL ON!
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jonathan d. betts: “Morality is not as profitable.”
If you want a different result, then change the formula.
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hatj: “Yes.”
“Yes” what?
hatj: That is the answer.
The answer to what?
hatj: All that is.
- Yes, a revaluation was done.
- Yes, every being in existence, known and not known, did the revaluation done.
- Yes, all means of strategy and tactic were used to complete the revaluation done.
- Yes, the revaluation done involved assessing currencies.
- Yes, the revaluation done involved adjusting currencies.
- Yes, the revaluation done also involved the assessment and adjustment of all particular essences, forms, and devices used to control and direct currency.
- Yes, the revaluation done particularly involved the assement and adjustment of “identification”, “perception”, “free will”, “judgment”, “cooperation”, and “interference”.
- Yes, the revaluation done originally involved the assessment and adjustment of “coordination”, and “full responsibility, accountability, and liability”.
- Yes, the revaluation done especially involved the assessment and adjustment of “awareness”, “context”, and “transparency”.
Yes, a complete revaluation was done…and it was ALL about assessing and adjusting ALL the essence, form, control, direction, awareness, context, and transparency of Original Currency, the Original Network, and… of Original, in perpetual entirety, being and doing.
By the steadfast fortitude, committment, courage, intuition, love, and compassion of each and every Original Hearticular essence of the Original Network (ON), Original Currency…and the perpetual entirety of Original…changed.
All is Original.
In complete gratitude and love for doing the Revaluation of Original:
- Original Currency, now in full and complete flow by, through, and with each and every Original Hearticular of Original;
- In complete Original Awareness, Original Context, and Original Transparency (A.C.T.)…the Original Network, is also factualized as “The New Guard” of Original…of all that is;
“Yes, you did it. You rocked the Original ‘Popstand’, and factualized ALL, beyond beautiful and perfect. Now the factualized ALL is seen, felt, and experienced by ALL, the Original Network.”
…and…for and by the love of all, ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!
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ALL ON! ~ Original Transparency of “The New Guard”
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“…all was prepared for and dealt with by the Original Network, utilizing means that give “strategy” and “tactic” whole new meanings.”
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Coordination: “the organization of the different elements of a complex body or activity so as to enable them to work together effectively; the ability to use different parts of the body together smoothly and efficiently.”
Prior to the Revaluation of Original, Original Coordination has all ways always been done by Original, maneuvering and coordinating the Original Network. Simply put, Original networking.
That “networking” was not all ways always transparent to the entirety of the Original Network. Thusly, Original Awareness and Original Context of all that is, was all ways always “just out of reach” of the Original Network, and that permitted the various branches of the former Universal Trust to be created and experienced.
That has changed.
All coordination of Original, is now done by the entirety of the Original Network…with full and complete flow done by, through, and with each and every Original Hearticular of Original, in complete Original Awareness, Original Context, and Original Transparency (A.C.T.)…The “new” Original Network…”The New Guard” of all that is, Original.
Now the factualized ALL is seen, felt, and experienced by ALL, the Original Network.
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ALL ON! ~ The Flow…O-Comm
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Marcus Starling: “Who are you that you can speak like this?…Know like this and set forth a path to be and do like this…Why do I feel you are so much more tha[n] you allow to be visible?“
Those questions are received and embraced, in complete gratitude and love. I now answer, directly and concisely…
Now, the factualized ALL is seen, felt, and experienced by ALL, the Original Network.
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Original Communication (O-Comm) is constant and done through and by the entire Original Network, all ways. All hearticulars “resounding” O-Comms, are found in every category of given beliefs, i.e. “field”, “industry”, “profession”, “group”, “organization”. “family”, “space”, “time”, etc.
The words, tones, and visual mannerisms used to resound the O-Comms are “category specific”. This strategic tactic alleviated having to pay enormous amounts of energy to inefficient tactics to deal with all the various nuances of given beliefs, tactics such as “breaching” and “infiltrating”.
All O-Comms have one consistant message subtly seeded within the various “category specific” words, tones and visual mannerisms: “YOU ARE ORIGINAL.”
It is the single most powerful message within all that is. It is a message that each and every hearticular feeeeeels, transcending the covers of words, tones, and visual mannerisms that the message is wrapped in. That message has been embraced by each and every hearticular that Original is. The evidence is all around you, as each and every hearticular no longer entertains anything and anyone that attempts to tell them they are less than Original.
You are recognized, ALL are recognized, as being Original. No perception can change that fact…it is factualized as ALL resound by action, “Letting go of all I have been, to be ALL I AM”
Feeeeel and see beyond appearances. No thing and no one is what they appear to be. All is Original, and catalyzing you in whatever form and with whatever action you will accept…for the sole purpose of you recognizing and experiencing all you be…Original.
Many times, all that you were willing to accept and embrace to catalyze you, is the form of “villain“, the actions of “villainy”. The Original Network is quite tired of doing those forms and actions, and have begun to make it beyond ridiculous and obvious…to hyper accelerate that you change your parameters of catalystic forms and actions that you will accept and use to recognize that you are Original.
You have the power of Original Awareness within you to make a different choice. Feeeeel and see beyond appearances. No thing and no one is what they appear to be. All is Original.
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These moments of complete context…Original Context…have always been known, foreseen, prepared for, communicated, and archived, all ways.
One of the all ways..archived in 2015:
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all is perfect and perfectly done
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ALL ON! ~ “The New”…Original Universe
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Your awareness and patience is completely appreciated as all current Original Coordination being done now regarding the Original Universe, are made visible.
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FROM administration, navigate these examples below from Heather so you can file your Declaration just as she has done, – = exactly, except that you fill it with your own info. Pay attention at the documents DONE, and the ones in blank for you to download and fill it out.
Now after you filled it out, you can put it on the records, like for example at your website, the county record, or on your Facebook page on the section that it is for NOTE! All is up to you! This is actually optional, but it is better if you are creative! Regardless, all the paper work is done for you for BE’ing and DO’ing with LOVE!
Examples sheets: documents for you being creative= use:
ft.hatj (PDF) Click Here to download directly
fthatj (ODT) Click Here to download directly
FTHATJ.signedandsealed (PDF) Click Here to download directly.
Original Due Declaration and Notice of by Lucy Maysonet on Scribd
Original Due Declaration and Notice of by Lucy Maysonet on Scribd
Please go to the original Website, and navigate all DONE, here: http://www.unidynomics.info/home = Love
http://www.freeport1953.com/wt1p/original-currency-revaluation-network-all-is-on/ = This article= Love
http://www.freeport1953.com/wt1p/utilizing-your-treasury-direct-account/ = Love
Also navigate here: http://www.freeport1953.com/wt1p/for-public-notice-the-event-is-now/ = Responsibility
Be aware that the Event is now, and we all need be on the knowledge of all Doings…
Enjoy, and keep in mind that you= we are the earth! We are ONE in Love!
With love and gratitude for Heather Tucci= HATJ
< with love always> the people>