Tagged: Isis

Binah 0


  Binah: Hail Sacred Swan!  Miraculous Hamsa. Hail Phoenix Bird of Paradise! Hail immortal Ibis! Dove of the Grail, Creative Energy of the Third Logos!~ Gnostic Ritual Binah is the Holy Spirit;  He is...

Our Cosmic Mother 0

Our Cosmic Mother

The adorable Mother Kundaline is the burning fire of the Holy Spirit. Sense the beginning of time she had many names. She is Virgin Mary, Maya, Isis, Adonai, Insoberta, Rea, Cibeles, Nuit,  etc., etc.,...

The Absolute, Part 2 26

The Absolute, Part 2

We  said previously that the Absolute has tree aspects and those are: The AIN, THE AIN SOPH, and the AIN SOPH AUR. The AIN  is far beyond Gods and human being; it is beyond...