Why is Francis The Antichrist and Antipope?
A demon Jew getting ready to sacrifice her next victim…
FOR the people from planet earth command the destruction for any entity that is harming our people= our children=the creation.
For all the lies be expose!
For all evil be transmute unto the light!
For all be only love for planet earth and all creations…
Video explaining the deception= lies from Francis that is a pedophile, and a murderer that must stop his hipocricy worldwide, = leaving the earth!
For they are liars: brainwash: actors: whores: pedophiles: sadists: antichrist: war criminals: tyrants: communists: terrorists: invaders: black magicians: hypocrites: back stabbers: human-eating-flesh-Talmudic-demons: thieves: traitors: sodomites: fuckwits. – ~ = The BAR: lawyers: attorneys: esquires: referees: corporal judges: county clerks: politicians: pay for hire police mobs, = marshals mobs, – = prison, = jail for profit, – = mortgage fraud for profit, – = child kidnapping for profit, – = human trafficking for profit, – = vaccination for profit. – ~ = Israel-Jesuits- Russian Jewish mobs-freemasonry evil cult. – ~ = THE DEEP STATE. – ~ = The enemy for the American people, and the world, – = CFR (counsel of foreign relation) that is a worldwide covert jewish terror organization= CIA+ FBI, = for be abolish perpetuity.
In the Talmud, that is the evil Bible for the Jews, non-Jews people are identified as “Goyim” or “Cattle,” that serve as slaves to the Jews. Jews are taught to regard “Goyim” as animals or beasts in human form that were created by their god “Lucifer” to serve them.
According to the evil Talmudic laws, slavery of our people, beheadings, murdering, genocide, homosexuality, transgenderism, and the diminishing-belittling for women, inclusive for clitoris mutilation for young females= castration, and circumcisions for young males are the norms, inclusive for child sacrifice=murdering for our children, and the destruction for the creation…
Goyim= the people of earth, = humanity.
The “Jews” are in fact the “Lews,” the “Edomites,” which were also the Khazars, which were the same Pharisee that Jesus Christ condemned to death for their worshipping of the Devil.
The “Jews” are not Yahweh’s chosen people. In fact, they worship their god Lucifer and are an absolute abomination to Yahweh and his creation.
The “Jews” also have nothing to do with the 12 tribes of Jacob Israel. They are in reality the direct descendants of “Cain.”
The Jew State the Rothschild’s created and named “Israel” in the Middle East is NOT where Yahweh’s chosen people reside.
The true Israel refers to Europe, which is where the true 12 tribes of Israel relocated after being deported from Palestine.
The Jews primary holy book “The Talmud” is a complete abomination to Yahweh: The Universal Christ and his creations.
Jews are taught to regard “Goyim” (people) as animals or beasts in human form that were created by their god “Lucifer” to serve them.
1-Sanhedrin 59a, “Murdering goyim is like killing a wild animal.”
2-Sanhedrin 59a, “Goyim who pies into Talmudic Law is guilty of death.”
3-Hilkkoth Akum X1, “Do not save goyim in danger of death. Show no mercy to Goyim.”
And it gets much worse…
4-Abodah Zara 26b, “Even the best Gentiles should be killed.”
5-Yebhamth 11b, “Sexual intercourse with a girl permitted if she is at least 3 years of age. A gentile girl may be violated if she is 3 years old.”
6-Gad. Shas. 2:2, “A Jew may violate, but not marry a non-Jewish girl.”
7-Tosefta Aboda Zara B5, “If a goy kills a goy or Jew, he is responsible. But if a Jew kills a goy, he is not responsible.”
8-Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348, “All property of other nations belongs to the Jews, which are entitled to seize upon it without any scruples.”
And a favorite:
9-Simeon Haddarsen fol. 56d, “When the messiah comes, every Jew will have 2800 slaves.”
These monsters have even created their own codified laws for a post 2012 world government.
They call these laws “Noahide Laws.” Basically any “Goyim can be executed just for being accused by a Jew for violating one of their rules.
For the Talmud is a religious cult from a tribal crime syndicate, = oral religion written by criminals. ~-= Criminals from the people, tribes named Lews (Jews)- Edomites- Khazars to suit them so they could control the people: destroy the kingdom of God: for they hate God’s creations.
TAKE your evil Talmud Bible and shove it: for destroy all: for let the light erase the fullness for all their evil deeds-memory from existence: for dissolving it unto tiny molecules that navigate the vast ocean of nothingness= so be it be it so.
The Biggest news in all planet earth!
Video explaining the deceptions from the fucking jews that think they are going to continue ruling the world, when the facts are they are already dead. This is a reminder for those that are now being inform whether on planet earth or beyond…
The Byzantine Solution:
Every pogrom in history has played into Talmudic hands, and has been cleverly instigated by them.
-Get the Jews out of banking and they cannot control the economic life of the community.
-Get the Jews out of education and they cannot pervert the minds of the young.
-Get the Jews out of government and they cannot betray the nation.
-Get the Jews out of media and they cannot defile the culture.
-Get the Jews out of law and they cannot corrupt the truth.
-Get the Jews out of medicine and they cannot invalidate the Hippocratic oath…
http://www.freeport1953.com/wt1p/why-is-francis-the-antichrist-and-antipope/ = this article
~ the people