There has been much conjecture about who the Pleiadians are, their agenda concerning earth, and their nature and appearance. It is hoped that this can be clarified here.
The Pleiadian star system is roughly about 500 Light Years from earth. It is within the constellation of Taurus. “Pleiades” is a name that is derived originally from a native tongue once spoken by the Pleiadian people, and adapted to an earthlly legend by the ancient Greeks ( concerning Atlas and his seven daughters – which also means the star system is sometimes called “The Seven Sisters”. In the ancient tongue of the Pleiadian people, the system is known as “PLEJA”. People from that system are commonly known as “PLEJARANS”. In the Maori tongue of New Zealand, it is called “Matariki”. Many ancient civilizations, both past and present, have had legends about people from the Pleiades interacting with people of earth.
There were Pleiadian bases on earth during the reign of Atlantis and Lemuria, and later in ancient Egypt (it is from these times that the legends of “Gods” on earth has arisen). There was also a time when all ET visitors left earth and could not have any involvement. Interaction tends to be cyclic, and depends on what is needed and what people are open to at the time.
Both Pleiadians (Plejarans) and earth humans share a common genetic heritage with the people of the Lyran system – from which both races are decended. However, earth humans also have other ET DNA in their mix, and have evolved further to adapt to their environment (as all living things do).
The seven major planets that are visible (from earth) in the system and the central sun (Alcyone) are: Atlas, Merope, Electra, Maia, Asterope, Taygeta and Lyseides. However, there are other planets within the system which are not readily visible from earth because they vibrate at frequencies which are faster than the physical reality experienced on earth. Not all of these are actually planets, but are immobile space stations which are the size of small planets. These currently ‘unseen’ worlds in the system are: Orin, Pleione, Damak, Kir, Xima, Lia, Kaema, Celaeno, Erra, Gama, Gira, Maeno, Vaeton, Maygem, Bora, Haemes, Nezra, Andramon and Kirmon.
There are in addition just over 350 other worlds which are incorporated into the Pleiades “group” because they have either been colonized by Pleiadians, or have Pleiadian bases there. Some are very old, and some relatively newly discovered.
This means that there are different versions of the Pleiadian form, according to the environment which one comes from. In general, all Pleiadians are very similar to the earth human form in terms of height variations and eye and hair colouring. However, this also is dependant on what time frame the person exists within, because Pleiadians have technology which allows them to travel to different time lines.
Pleiadians beyond about 3,000 AD (in earth time) are much taller than Pleiadians existing in our present time line, for example. It has become possible for people from the “future” to visit those in their “past” to share knowledge to some extent. This happens with earth as well, with earth humans from your “future” visiting you in this time. When you understand the true nature of time, then you will know how this is possible.
In terms of hair colouring, this varies from almost white to blue-black , and from straight to curly (rare) – depending on ones genetic heritage and location. Skin tone ranges from very pale, to faintly golden hues – again depending on the above. The bodies are not quite as muscular and robust as earth humans (although this depends). The most marked difference to earth humans is in the eyes, which are large and slightly almond-shaped with a fairly large iris. The pupils are eliptical and more cat-like. This allows for excellent night-vision, but also makes one sensitive to strong light.
The culture is generally based on the concepts of unity and oneness, living in harmony with ones environment (and respecting it), love, spirituality, openness and honesty. There are many cultural differences between the Pleiadian way of life and that of earth humans. The differences have arisen mostly because the paths have been different and thus both civilizations have evolved differently, with different lessons and experiences. The Pleiadian civilization is much older than that of earth humans. Pleiadians have adapted specifically to their own environments, so would have difficulty adjusting to earth – just as earth humans would have difficulty adjusting to theirs. (culture and life on planets and craft will be discussed more in depth on another page of this site).
Pleiadian people in general are explorers by nature. Thus quite a few of the adventurers among them, along with scientists and researchers have in some way become involved with earth and its current transformation process. In addition to this, the civilization as a whole feels a kinship and curiosity about earth humans, because in many ways earth humans represent what their ancestors must have been like. Among certain groups (such as the Ashtar fleet and similar groups who have worked around earth since the 1950’s) there is a desire to assist earth humanity during crucial stages in their spiritual growth and evolution. Of course these fleets also contain many other representatives of other civilizations as well as Pleiadian. Thus the reasons for visiting or communicating with you will be associated with any or all of those avenues of interest.
The Source